Software for smoother sailing

innovative, secure, intuitive and user- friendly

Are you a Yacht Captain or Owner wanting to save time to focus your attention on other vessel priorities?

Are you a Yacht Purser  wanting to offer your expertise from a shore-based position?

Are you a Yacht Purser looking for an effective software to manage your daily tasks?

Are you a crew member wanting to manage your certificates or looking for new job opportunities? 

MY Profile

MY Profile

  • Manage and store pertinent information
  • Certificate and document management
  • Create folders for document storage
MY Home
MY Profile - Details
MY Profile - Medical Details
MY Profile - Medical
MY Profile - Folder Management
MY Profile - Certificates
MY Home
MY Profile - Details
MY Profile - Medical Details
MY Profile - Medical
MY Profile - Folder Management
MY Profile - Certificates

MY Accounts

MY Accounts

  • Capture and store expense receipts and invoices

  • View, sign and approve documents

  • Automated calendar reminders

  • Invoices
  • Debit Receipts
  • Cash Receipts
MY Accounts - Add
MY Accounts - Downloads
MY Accounts - Invoices
MY Accounts - Invoice Details
MY Accounts - Invoice Approval
MY Accounts - Invoice Sign
MY Accounts - Debit
MY Accounts - Debit Details
MY Accounts - Cash
MY Accounts - Cash Details
MY Accounts - Add
MY Accounts - Downloads
MY Accounts - Invoices
MY Accounts - Invoice Details
MY Accounts - Invoice Approval
MY Accounts - Invoice Sign
MY Accounts - Debit
MY Accounts - Debit Details
MY Accounts - Cash
MY Accounts - Cash Details

MY Recruit

MY Recruit

  • Connect with vessels and yachting job-seekers
  • View crew profiles: CV, references, skills, certificates and qualifications
  • Generate crew CV, linking to your references, certificates and qualifications
  • Crew: Profile/CV
  • Crew: Job Board
  • Crew: Applications
  • Vessel: Positions
  • Vessel: Crew Search
  • Vessel: Applicants
MY Recruit - Crew
MY Recruit - Crew CV
MY Recruit - Vessel
MY Recruit - Vessel Crew Search
MY Recruit - Vessel Positions
MY Recruit - Vessel Applicants
MY Recruit - Crew
MY Recruit - Crew CV
MY Recruit - Vessel
MY Recruit - Vessel Crew Search
MY Recruit - Vessel Positions
MY Recruit - Vessel Applicants

MY Fleet

MY Fleet

  • This feature helps a Fleet easily share and organise information across vessels
  • Transfer crew seamlessly between vessels
  • Control how information is viewed, shared or edited in your team through customisable permissions
MY Fleet - Home
MY Fleet - Vessel
MY Fleet - Vessel Department and Poition
MY Fleet - Crew
MY Fleet - Home
MY Fleet - Vessel
MY Fleet - Vessel Department and Poition
MY Fleet - Crew

StepON StepOFF

StepON StepOFF

  • Digitally log the crew’s movements on and off the vessel 

  • Manage the movement of visitors, supernumeraries, and contractors through automated alerts

  • Features ensure the safety of the vessel and streamline security checks



MY Virtual Purser

MY Virtual Purser

  • Diary management: create, edit and share calendars
  • General administration, accounts and crew management
  • Guest concierge
  • Vessel logistics support
  • Procurement and provisioning assistance
MY Home
MY Calendar
MY Crew - Certificates
MY Accounts - Invoices
MY Accounts - Debit
MY Accounts - Cash
MY Home
MY Calendar
MY Crew - Certificates
MY Accounts - Invoices
MY Accounts - Debit
MY Accounts - Cash

MY Purchases

MY Purchases

  • Capture or generate purchase orders
  • Generate reports for review
  • View, sign and approve documents
  • Automated calendar reminders
  • Link purchase orders to system invoices
MY Accounts - Add
MY Purchases - Add
MY Purchases - Downloads
MY Purchases - Purchase Order
MY Purchases - Purchase Order Details
MY Purchases - PO Approval
MY Purchases - PO Sign
MY Accounts - Add
MY Purchases - Add
MY Purchases - Downloads
MY Purchases - Purchase Order
MY Purchases - Purchase Order Details
MY Purchases - PO Approval
MY Purchases - PO Sign

MY Calendar

MY Calendar

  • Create, edit and share calendars  
  • Create, edit and share events
MY Calendar
MY Calendar - Week
MY Calendar - Day
MY Calendar - New Calendar
MY Calendar - Create Event
MY Calendar
MY Calendar - Week
MY Calendar - Day
MY Calendar - New Calendar
MY Calendar - Create Event

MY Crew

MY Crew

  • Easily manage crew through detailed lists and profiles
  • Crew certificate and document management
  • User-friendly vacation reports, leave and training requests


  • Crew
  • Crew List
  • Crew Certificates
  • Crew Performance
  • Crew Reports
  • Crew Leave Requests
  • Crew Training Requests
  • Crew Salary Adjustment
MY Recruit - Crew
MY Recruit - Crew CV
MY Recruit - Vessel
MY Recruit - Vessel Crew Search
MY Recruit - Vessel Positions
MY Recruit - Vessel Applicants
MY Recruit - Crew
MY Recruit - Crew CV
MY Recruit - Vessel
MY Recruit - Vessel Crew Search
MY Recruit - Vessel Positions
MY Recruit - Vessel Applicants


RestON RestOFF

RestON RestOFF

  • Digitally log the crew’s hours of rest

  • Monitor and approve digital records in accordance with MLC regulations



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